Summer Safety & Security With a High Humidity Alert

high humidity alertSummer Safety & Security With a High Humidity Alert

We all know during those hot sticky days when the humidity is high just by the feel of the air. Or for advanced warning we tend to turn into our local weather station. For those that are fit and healthy they seem to be able to tolerate this type of air quality even though it is uncomfortable. For those that don’t fit into this range then it may be advisable to rely on a home or business high humidity alert monitor.

For the elderly high humidity can be really detrimental to their health. It can make it difficult for them to breathe. Although you can’t control the air outdoors you can certainly do a lot for the air standards within your home. You need to know though at what level the humidity is at in order to take the necessary precautions to protect the elders living in this area.

Perhaps you go out to work all day and the seniors in your life are on their own during the day. You worry because of their present state of health that the humidity could have a serious affect on them, but how are you to know what the humidity level is at within the home if you are not there? Fortunately the Toronto locksmiths and security experts at Pre-lock have the answer. They can provide you with a precision high quality stand alone high humidity alert monitor. It can be set to alert you through your standard alarm system or even through a telephone dialer. Once installed you never have to worry again about what type of humidity exposure your seniors are having to deal with.

More and more people seem to be suffering from allergies. Some only have minor effects from allergens while others have severe reactions. Asthma is a big concern for some, and it can affect all age groups. Humidity can really affect the level of allergens that lurk inside the home or business. Two of the most common and annoying allergens are dust mites and mold and they both thrive on high humidity. By knowing what the humidity level is in your home it gives you the chance to reduce the proliferation of these allergens.

While our concern is focused on the bad effects that humidity can have on our health, for those that have computers and businesses that operate a lot of electronics, high humidity levels can play havoc on those as well. These are normally expensive items, and we need to protect them as much as possible.

These are just a few but very good reasons why it is a good idea to give the Toronto locksmiths at Pre-lock a call and ask them about the high humidity alert monitor that they offer. While you are at it feel free to discuss any home or business security questions that you may have been thinking about. The pros here are the Toronto experts for locksmithing and security.



About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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