Just as modern day technology advances so does the thinking of criminal in all different areas of their wrongdoings. Thieves who may it their specialty to target homes and businesses spend their idle time thinking up new ways to go about their business. If you want to really be pro-active then you need to stay in tune with what they are up to and what new methods they are using.
When it comes to security there is never a moment where you can say you are totally safe and don’t need to give it any further thought. You can reach a point where you have taken all the right physical steps as far as making sure you have good security systems in place and they are up to date. But you can never cease to be vigilant. Even with having security measures in place that have thwarted the attempts of burglars, it is still annoying to think that someone even looked at your home or business as a potential target.
Most everyone believes that having a dog on the premises is a good security move, and it really can be. However, your protective pooch is far more effective on the inside of your home rather than outside. Thieves who have to get past dogs that are outside will often tempt the dog by feeding it and may even poison it as a result. They have far less time to do this once on the inside. So if you are counting on the family dog for protection then keep him or her indoors while taking on this role.
No doubt whenever you see trash strewn about your home, whether it be just a few pop cans or other items you retrieve them right away and put them in the trash. This is a good thing but is also used as a marker by some thieves. If they suspect that a home may be vacant they will strew some trash around to see if its been picked up in the next day or two. If it hasn’t then it gives them a bit of comfort zone to study the home situation a little bit more to see if it is prime for breaking into.
Be aware of remote but still possible vulnerability situations. For example, if the utility company posts a general notice that the power in your area is going to be out for a short time for repairs, make sure your security system has a battery back up system that is functional. This is one weakness that some security system owners have, which is forgetting to ensure their backup system is working.
Always keep in mind if there is some circumstance or event that could be taking place that is going to compromise your security measures. In other words stay alert.