No doubt as the year is drawing to an end it is a busy time for your Toronto business. You are dealing with clean up of odds and ends that have transpired throughout the year, looking after the holiday rush, and also trying to give some thought as to the next level of where you want to take your retail business to in the coming year. While doing an over view of your business why not also include doing a thorough review of your present security measures.
At year end this is often when many businesses discover just how much they have loss by way of theft. It could be from standard shoplifters or could even be an in house problem. If your loss is not significant then you may want to just ensure that your retail security systems that you now have in place are going to be adequate for the upcoming year. If the loss is substantial then you may need to take a closer look at how you can tighten up the security to reduce your loss in the future.
The size of your retail store is one of the big factors that you need to consider when looking at its security. You first want to determine if security cameras would be the best option. Then if so, how many? One of the best steps you can implement is making use of the expertise of a professional and experienced security systems provider like those at Pre-lock. They can help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your current system and advise you as to what you need based on several factors of your business.
Aside from cameras if your loss from theft is high you may want to consider security gate alarms. If your retail business is one that offers high end products such as jewelry for example then you really need to have high end security in place. You need to determine if a hold up alarm is called for.
One thing you don’t want to do is put off stepping up your security if you have discovered a substantial inventory loss. If you fear that this may be as a result of an inside job, then you have no choice to implement security features that are going to track the activities of your employees. While you may feel like this is spying on them, you will find two things will probably happen. Once you notify your employee’s of the new security measures those that have nothing to hide will welcome them as it back’s up their innocence. For those who may be the culprit it could at the very least put an end to their helping themselves to your merchandise.