As a Toronto resident or business owner you are concerned about your home or business security. Once you decide that you are going to rely on a Toronto security system for your safety you find that there are so many choices of protection available how do you possibly know which is the best for you? One of the first decisions that you are faced with is do you go with a wired system or a wireless security system? Fortunately the Toronto security experts at Pre-lock security offer both types and have the experience and expertise to make the right recommendations for you.
Wired security systems:
These are really self explanatory by the name which tells you that these types of protections are wired into the electrical system of your home. Often new homes or businesses that are being built will give greater thought to this type, simply because at this point of construction it is much easier to have them installed when the rest of the building’s wiring is being put in place. One of the attractions to this type of security system is many feel they are less obvious than the wireless type. The way the wired system works is that there is one wire run from the main panel to each of the control pads that are installed. Another reason that these often chosen is because compared to the wireless they are less expensive as far as components go, but the initial labor costs may be more because they are more complex to install. Once they are in place there is very little maintenance to them, and they do have a backup battery system in the case of power failure. They provide a lot of advantages for upgrading, but now with the modern technology so do the wireless.
Wireless security systems:
As the name implies these security systems don’t require any wires to run from the controls to the main panel. Their power source is batteries which does create some maintenance by insuring that the batteries are replaced as needed. The big feature for these units is the ease in which they can be installed, they are far less labor intensive. The devices are a little larger than their wired counterparts so are a little more obvious. As a system becomes obsolete it is much easier to upgrade because of the easy installation. Another advantage however, is if you are going to move your residence or business then you can take your wireless security system with you. You aren’t able to do this with the wired system, however the wired system could make for a good selling feature of the home.
Brands of Wired and Wireless Security Systems
No matter which type you decide to go for the one thing you need to insist on is quality. Our Toronto security experts will only inform you of the best proven security brands on the market that doesn’t fail the security needs of the Toronto residents and businesses. Here are a few examples of what you can expect to find at Pre-lock security when it comes to these systems….
Wired security systems
One of the most reputable wired systems is the DSC hard wired alarms, or the Honeywell hard wire alarm systems. Each of these brands possesses flexibility in choice of range coverage, options for future upgrades and the number of keypads. The manufacturers of this security systems have been their reputation on integrity, reliability and quality in the components.
Wireless security systems
Again some of the choices will be the DSC Alexor wireless or the Honeywell Lynx Touch security system which is really impressive as an integrated system that has everything you could possibly want in a Toronto security system with plenty of choices for upgrades in the future.
Before making any decisions as to which way you want to go for your Toronto security be sure to talk to our Toronto security experts here at Pre-lock. They will insure that you get all the information you need to make an informed decision. Everyone has their own unique needs for security protection. This is why it is important to rely on trustworthy security experts to give you direction for the best protection for your family, home and business.