Summer School Break Home Safety

summer break home securityNow that school is out for the summer it is a little more perplexing for parents when it comes to home safety for the kids. Naturally they aren’t going to want to have the home alarm system activated as chances are they are in and out all day. It is highly important that you set some home security rules while the kids are enjoying their summer break.

It is always difficult not to worry about the kids that are just old enough to stay home on their own without a babysitter, yet perhaps not quite old enough to be security savvy. You are really going to have to do some hard thinking as to whether your kids have reached this stage or not. You can always give them a test to see if they can handle this home alone responsibility. Try it on the weekends where you go off and leave them for a few hours instead of a whole day which is what will transpire through a work week.

Before leaving get them to do the security check of the doors and windows. This way it will set it firmly in their minds that they need to be aware of this. Of course the first words of warning you are going to give them, is not to open the door to anyone.

It never hurts to have a emergency plan in place in case something of concern arises. They should always have a way of contacting you. If you are fair distance away then use an alternative like a neighbor or close relative that lives close by that could respond immediately if necessary.

Also, remember to stay tight lipped about the kids being by themselves. Plus, they should not be spreading the word around either.

So far we have concentrated on personal safety in regards to break-ins and intruders. There are other potential perils that they need to be aware of. If your child is not familiar with using the stove, then you might want to restrict them to using the microwave only.

Now is a good time to check that all your safety alerts are working properly in the house. Make sure that you have a escape route planned for your home in case of fire and that the kids know what this is.

Most often the kids don’t want to be stuck in all day, with the doors and windows closed and the alarm system on. Make sure they stay very aware about locking up the house when they are going out and setting the security system. They need to know how the system works.

Make it a point that if they see or hear anything that makes them nervous or uncomfortable while they are alone that they should not hesitate to call you. Make it known that this is not a weakness but it is being smart.

If you are uncomfortable about the level of safety your home offers, then call the professionals at Pre-lock for their suggestions and advice.

About Seidman

Paul Seidman is a Toronto security expert providing security services since 1978. Trained as locksmith & alarm security professional Seidman understands how to keep you safe and sound.
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