Pick Proof

The Meaning of “Virtually Bump Proof” and “Virtually Pick Proof”
In recognition of the fact and the truth that no lock is 100% impenetrable, Medeco does not attempt to promote its products using absolute terms such as “bump proof" or “pick proof.” Instead, it is Medeco’s policy to refer to its products as "virtually bump proof” or “virtually pick proof." The definition of virtually is “nearly, but not absolutely 100% bump proof.” In Medeco's view, it is inappropriate for any security provider to use categorical terms such as "impervious" "impenetrable" "bump proof” or “pick proof so loosely " when describing a high security product lock. With enough time, enough opportunity, enough knowledge, specialized tools, and maybe some random old fashioned luck, any lock could potentially be compromised by very determined individual.
Consequently, Medeco suggests using the terms "virtually bump proof" or “virtually pick proof” rather than the absolute terms "bump proof" or “pick proof” which are terms we do not recommend or endorse for use when describing the security of a Medeco high security cylinder product.
We believe that educated consumers are aware that highly trained technicians with proper tools and education can open most types of locks or cylinders, and that using such categorical terms serves to undermine rather than enhance the reputation of the Medeco product line.
Ultimately, the most compelling and conclusive statements about Medeco products are not the promotional statements made by Medeco or its dealers, but the certifications and ratings awarded by various independent testing agencies around the world. Medeco high security cylinders are rated at the highest levels of high security by independent and scientific test laboratories from around the world whose job it is to test objectively for high security. Repeatedly, Medeco has performed at the highest levels and continues to receive the highest certifications. These certifications provide independent verification of the performance of the various products.
If you have any questions regarding the appropriate terms to be used to describe the security of any Medeco product, please contact Pre-Lock Security Services at (416) 773-5625
Pre-Lock Security is an authorized Medeco Locksmith Dealer and is proud to offer the products to our local community.