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Double Door Security Protective Solution
by Armor Concepts

A home security system does not work until after someone has broken into your home. That's all providing it is on and the area they entered is included
in the scheudle of protection. Did you know that 90% of all theives enter through the front door? If you want to stop an intruder for the get go, you must
have effectvie door security. Armor Concepts products bundled together with high security locks and other products we provide will insure your home and
family has effective door reinforcement which is the key to your security.
Security does not need to cost a fortune, it just has to work. Our products provide economical home secuirty solutions including door repair to protect your home
from home invasion and burglary.
Let's face it there are simply too many easy targets for a thief to find out in the world of crime. They will spend far less time trying to break into a well secured home
and move on when they tangle with Armor Concept products. Statistics show that if you make a thieve's job more difficult than they have come to expect from previous
successful break in's they will move on and look for easy entry.
Pre-Lock Security is very excited about products that make your property safe. We have tested this product extensively and have come to conclusion that your front door
can now be secured ten fold by adding the new Armor Conept Security Solution to your front door system.
A Few Key Facts About Home Brak-Ins:
- In more than 90% of all break-ins, thieves enter through a door
- it can take less than 10 seconds for a burglar to kick in a door that is not properly reinforced
- An experienced thief is in and out of your home in less than 5 minutes from point of entry
- Police response time to a typical home alarm can vary and should not be relyed on to stop your possesions from leaving the home
- A home that has been burglarized is 4 times more likely to be burglarized again now that intruders have had a peek inside
- a burglary does occur every 30 seconds in Canada
Double doors are the most difficult door entrance to secure because there is no jamb to aid in door reinforcment. Our double door Armor Concept products focusses on reinforcing the top and bottom of the door frame by offering ultra strong door shields and a nightlock, available in brass and nickel that insures the door will still be there when you attack it. As with other solutions, these products provide total door security and also include door reinforcement solutions for hinges and door locks which will provide additional protection when we also install high security products like Medeco & Mul-T-Lock high security deadbolt hardware.
Peace of mind is important to our custmers, knowing your family will feel safe is the most important factors in selecting any security product. Security safety is one of the top 5 reasons that people acutally move from one property to another. While home owners are almost always concerned about their safety and security, the honest truth is that multi-family security is not a high priority to many property owners, unless it is a problem. Our goal at Pre-Lock Security is to review your exterior doors and check all the hardware you currently have in place. We will point out the problems and make sure you understand what we need to do to make your home a safe place.
Call us today at (416) 773-5625
Pre-Lock Security Services is an authorized Armor Conept installation dealer.