Upgrade Your Alarm Now

Pre-Lock® Now Offers Smart Home Monitoring Services In Toronto With No Phone Line Required + Dual Supervised Wireless WI-FI Security will provide your double protection. Let us show you how it works!!
See Our New Smart Home C24 DSC interactive Remote Control & Connection Packages and Smart Home Honeywell Total Connect
" Our Smart Home Interactive Monitoring Service is more than a basic security system. It's a completely new and innovative security solution to keeping your home and family safe for the things that matter most in life"
Add a camera and see Live Video & Secure viewing on your smartphone or computer.
Whether home or away, at the desk or on the go, our interactive home security system makes it simple to monitor property, keep loved ones safe, and stay connected to home and family every where you have web access.
Be the first to know when your kids get home or that the dog walker has provided your pet with a nice long walk. We can also give you the heads up when they don't come home at a specified time frame.
Let us show you how your IPhone & Blackberry or any smartphone device can now control your home security system from anywhere in the world today!!
How is Smart Home Monitoring services from Pre-Lock® different from traditional monitoring systems for home?
- Our C24 Smart Home Monitoring systems does not require a standard phone line which standard alarms digital alarms typically require to provide monitoring services. Our Smart Home Monitoring services can use any constant broadband connection including services from Bell Canada or Rogers or any other internet provider and our wireless connection is there to ensure that the your security system is up and running properly. Some of our competitors actually think this technology is something new and advertise that when infact we have been offering dual line security for years. I guess you really have to be in the security business for years to know that.
- In addition to your Pre-Lock® home alarm monitoring system, Our C24 Smart Home systems can provide the best home wireless alarm and complete home automation solution for your home and family
offering exclusive features that previously required a separate system to control your thermostat, lighting controls, Live Video, Outdoor Camera, Indoor Camera all via your smartphone. We offer wireless home monitoring including home video monitoring.
- Intrusion Protection
- Residential Security
- Commercial Security
- Fire Protection
- Carbon Monoxide Protection
- Smoke Alarms
- Low Temp Alarms Line Cut Protection
- Medical Wireless Pendant Alarms
- Guard Protection
Call 1 (877) 773-5625 or complete our contact form to book your free, no obligation in-home assessment with a Pre-Lock® Smart Home Monitoring Specialist for the best wireless home surveillance system you will ever find from any other security companies.
Toll Free
Local Number
Pre-Lock Security
Services Inc.
800 Petrolia
Road Unit 4
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3K4