Get excellent protection for your home and family against forced entry when you install a Charley-Bar saftey lock on all your sliding doors in your home. Paul Seidman President of Pre-Lock remembers his father cutting down a hockey stick to put in the bottom of the door to stop intruders from getting in. His idea was right on but just did go far enough to provide the kind of protection that your sliding glass door really needs. Installing a Charlie-Bar on every sliding glass door is a simple, yet effective device that keeps patio doors from being "jimmied" open by intruders. Charley-Bars are easy to install, and give years of reliable service.
As well as making sliding doors safer, they provide an incredible visual deturant to a would be intruder letting them know that this home is not gong to be a push over.
Unequaled protection from any hockey stick
Installs in minutes.
Will outlast life of most doors.
Attractive while aluminum tubing and bracket.
Fits Door Panels 28" to 48" Wide