Leasing Security Solutions

Easy Security Leasing With Pre-Lock
At Pre-Lock Security we understand that conservation of company capital and using expensive overdraft or credit lines is not always the answer when looking to install a high tech security system or state of the art camera system. That's why we recommend you consider our attractive leasing options rarther than purchasing the entire security system in one breath.
Let's face it, leasing allows you to install the best security solution for your business without wondering whose budget is it going to come out of. Consider the Key benefits in leasing for your next security system, access control system, camera system or any security solution you may be looking to implement for your business.
Security is something that sometimes can't wait to the next fisical year. Leasing truly has huge advantages over outright purchases. Here are just a few benefits you should be aware of:
Outright purchases usually eat up capital needed to operate the business like for inventory so your customers don't have to wait long to purchase product
- Leasing allows 100% financing without having to put a lot of money down so you can use it for other purposes
- Leases have a total different meaning at tax time which allow savings not available with cash purchases
- Lease payments can be treated as operating expenses rather than captial expenditures in certain cases on most security products
- Leasing allows you to upgrade your security system years sooner than you would if you bought it in on shot
- Leasing provides a different level of financing for you without taxing exisitng credit lines needed for the business
- Speak with your Accountant and see if leasing makes sence for your business
Aditional Pre-Lock Leasing Benefits
You can use the purchase cash you are saving by leasing for your other business start up costs
You can afford to invest in a more complete security system because you are not creating a large up front cost
Speak with your accountant about the potential tax advantages that can come with leasing security equipment as opposed to buying it outright.
You are more apt to stay in tune with security updates when it comes time to renew you lease, which you are not likely to do if you purchase a security system outright
You can invest the money you save on the purchase to build your customer inventory putting you in a much better customer services situation.
Call us today and lets discuss how easy it is to lease your next Pre-Lock Security security solution.
(416) 773-5625
Toll Free
Local Number
Pre-Lock Security
Services Inc.
800 Petrolia
Road Unit 4
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3K4