Emergency Lock Rekey

On the spot mobile 24 Hour Toronto Locksmith re-key service available....
Okay I Just Got My Brand New Home... Do I Need To Rekey The Locks?
May Not Be As Safe As You Think!
We offer the widest range of locksmith services in Toronto - Plus 1 Year Guarantee on new parts & Labor.
All Homes in a new development should be rekeyed immediately. Most Construction subdivisions use a master key that will fit all the locks under the control of their project. Not all contractors are honest, some make copies of the Master Keys just to keep to make it easy for them to show up and do work when ever they feel like it. Master pins in a subdivision cause the lock to be very vulnerable to many possible keys that could have been duplicated while your neighborhood was buing built.
In order to make sure that you have the only keys that will unlock that door, you should retain a reputable locksmith to rekey all the exterior doors and insure that no master pins are present in the cylinder. Determining if master pins are present is only possible to take the lock apart and see the pin configuration. Master pins should always be removed unless you require the home to be on a master key system.
There are unscrupulous sub-contractors and contractors out there. When you purchase a home in a any development have your locks rekeyed immediately by a Professional Toronto Locksmith service and help keep your family and property safe.
Tip: If you ever lost your key to your home immediately have that lock rekeyed.
You never know who finds it.
If you have just moved into your home, you have no way of knowing who has a copy of your key for you door lock. There are thousands of burglaries annually in Canada. Did you know that 37% occur during the day, when entry by duplicate key is more likely. The average loss in a residential breaking in is about $1500.00. How to pick a lock is very important as your choice will determine the level of protection that you can get from that product. As your Locksmith what you should consider when its time to change your locks!!
Yes we can very quickly re-key your existing locks and provide you with new keys on the spot. We seriously recommend you immediately re-key your locks in the event you have lost a key.
Lock Re-Key Benefits
Peace of mind to know that know one has a key to your home or office lock
Pre-Lock can key all your locks to function on one key, this makes it easy to enter and reduces the weight of your key chain.
Your home may have locks that are available at many retail stores. Industry experts point out that because locksets have limited combinations, the chances of your neighbor's key fitting your door are as high as 1 in 50.
In addition, the most common cause of unauthorized entry through a locked door is by using a duplicate key. Standard keys to your property can be made on demand in countless places. Our suggestion is to replace standard locks with high security products by Mul-t-lock because each Mul-t-lock key has a personal identification card that prevents duplication without the property resident’s permission
With our quality products, services and reputation, there's no wonder why we are one of the most repsected local locksmiths in the Toronto area. Pre-locks top priorty is to ensure that our customers are always satisfied. You can call on us for any security situations involving safes, locks, switches, master key systems and car locks rekey. We specialize in just about everthing you can throw at us. give us a call and let us offer you our high security deadbolts and quality locks to enusre your home is harder to break into. As we bundle physical security and electronic security solutions, its wise to install a security alarm system in your home for extra protection.
Give us a call today at (416) 773-5625 or visit our showroom today.
Keep our contact number on you in case of emergencies -- you never know when you might need to call on us!