Go Green E-mail Billing

E-mail Billing

In today’s ever more environmentally conscious society, it is important to look at the way our businesses operates and contribute towards reducing the world's carbon footprint. Paper creation has always been one of the largest contributing factors to climate change due to the numerous environmental impacts throughout the entire fabrication process. Lets face it we don't need our invoices ending up in landfills.
As Pre-Lock Security is striving to reduce the resources used to send out customer invoices each month. To that end we are actively asking all customers to do their part in protecting the environment by signing up to e-mail billing.
E-billing is the new and environmentally friendly way you can receive your Pre-Lock Scurity invoices. Instead of receiving a paper invoice through the post, we will send your bill by e-mail in the form of a PDF invoice. This offer is open to all Pre-Lock Security Customers.
Toll Free
Local Number
Pre-Lock Security
Services Inc.
800 Petrolia
Road Unit 4
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3K4