Alarm Services » Security Lighting » FakeTV Lighting
An Inexpensive Way to Avoid a Burglary...

Sure it's not a high tech security sytem, it's not a high security lock. FakeTV is a new burglar deterrent that makes it look like someone is home watching television.
Have you ever driven by a house on a dark street and notice that you can see the TV lights flickering in the window? Chances are someone fell asleep and forgot to turn off the TV, right? Wrong! What you may have just seen is a FakeTV which is a new device designed to deter a intruder from robbing your home.
Most intruders do not want to find an occupied house. They really don't want to be seen, and there are not looking for a interaction with a home owner. All they want to do is rob your home.
The new FakeTV can trick them by recreating exactly the sort of light produced by a real HDTV. When the FakeTV is Viewed from outside of the home after dusk, it looks like somebody must be watching television. So when you are way, FakeTV says someone is home watching TV. Fake TV works great in addition to timers's and all the other things security professionals recomend you to do when you are away.
Buy a FakeTV today and make you home a show a burglar does not want to see...

Model FTV-10
Using FakeTV could not be simpler to setup. Just place FakeTV where it will light up your room. Do not put the FakeTV unit so it can be seen from the outside. A second floor room is a great place to put it, but a main floor room with a translucent shades or blinds will also work fine. The Fake Tv has a built-in light sensor will turn the unit on at dusk. FakeTV turns off automatically after a switch-selectable time that you program.
Burglars will almost always circle a home once before entering. They are looking for the easiest way in, and looking for signs of life. FakeTV gives them just those signs. Few burglars will enter a home that they think is occupied.
We also recommend using the Tel-Door-Bell with the call forward feature programed to call your cell phone, this way if the intruder wants to challenge if you are home, he rings your bell, and you maybe in Florida, but you can still answer and talk to the front door just as if you are home. Talk about tricking the burglar to think you are really home watching your TV.
Make your home the least tempting target on the block
- Built in light sensor and timer
- Small: about the size of a coffee cup
- Bright: light output equivalent to 27" HDTV
- Saves energy-- consumes just the power of a night-light.
- AC Adaptor included
- Simulates scene and color changes, fades, and on-screen motion
- Deters burglars
- Peace of mind while you are away
- Use any time you are gone for the evening
- Perfect for vacations
- Make it look like someone else must be home in the next room, even when you are alone
- Make a vacation home or vacant property look lived-in

Authorized Distribution In Canada
Order Your Fake TV Today Call Pre-Lock Security Services at (416) 773-5625
Toll Free 1-877-773-5625