Alarm Services » Residential Alarms » Honeywell - Hardwire Alarm

So you want to have the best home security possible, right? Then you need to know more about the Vista 20P Ademco Honeywell Security Alarm system that can be proffesional installed by Pre-lock Security Services. Our Vista 20P comes with everything you need to have added security around your home or business. There are eight on-board hardwire zones standard, plus expandable to 48 total zones when it is used with hardwired and/or wireless expansion modules. In other words, no matter how big your property or home is you will be able to have all of the security that you need with a system that grows with your requirements.
It is important that you research the Vista 20P Ademco Honeywell Alarm system so that you can see for yourself how this will give you all the protection that your family needs now and in the future. Our security system comes starts with the Vista 20P Control Panel with metal enclosure and is installed somewhere stratgicly in your home or business. We recommend the 6160 Alpha English keypad which can be installed at every entrance for easy arming and disarming. As we typically recommend contacting all exterior doors, for permiter protection, the interior area is protected by the Aurora Infrared motion detector, that is tied into the panel. Upon an alarm acticaton the Wave2 2 Tone Siren emits a very large warning to scare the intruder and alert the family of the violation. The complete security system is backed up by selfcontained 12VDC Lead Acid Battery and transformer.
Having the Vista 20 housed in a metal enclosure and locked away is important because this will stop would be burglars from breaking into it and disabling it before activation of the alarm. You can rest asured that you always have good security because no one but you and the people that you have shown how to use it will be able to turn it off. The high capacity, feature-rich ADEMCO VISTA-20P lets you deliver more value with up to 48 zones of protection and dual partitions. The panel’s installation advantages, innovative end-user benefits and robust system capacity make the Vista 20 security system the ideal choice for higher end installations.
Other important features that you need to know about that will help keep your family safe and your property secured is:
·Wireless keys can be programmed without using zones.
·There are 16 output devices.
·Relays (Model 4204 Relay Modules, or 4229 Expansion Module), and/or X-10 (r) devices (when used with a 4300 Transformer)
·Two low current on-board trigger outputs.
·100 event log viewable at system keypads with time/date stamp, which means you will always know what is happening around your property.
·48 system user codes assignable to either partition
·Two independent partitions plus a common partition
·Global Arming from any system keypad
·There is a function that lets you view or operate one partition from the other.
·Four installer configurable zone types allow you to create custom zone types by assigning all zone attributes.
These are important features but they are not all of the features that are included with the Vista 20P Ademco Honeywell Alarm Kit. This is why it is so important for Pre-Lock to understand your needs and requirements so that we can desgin your system to provide you with features that you will need. As some of the other features that were not mentioned above that you need to know about include; the system can turn off the lights when the system arms; it will also turn the same lights back on when the system disarms; the lights will flash when the system is in alarm. The built in phone line cut monitor with programmable delay and annunciation options will give you protection because your alarm will sound if the phones lines have been disabled. This system will trigger local sounders and the system bell. It will support four wire, and up to 16 two wire smokes, plus there is a signal that alerts you when the system needs maintenance.
So, do yourself and your family a favor and understand what your needs really are. You will be glad you did when you have the best protection possible. Plus, you will have peace of mind knowing that you are doing everything you can to keep your family safe, your property safe and deterring burglars from entering your home or business.