Burglars Do it!

How Do Most Burglars Break Into Homes?
Approximately every 10 seconds, a residential burglary is committed in some where in Canada, many happen while the home owner is in the house! In fact, the average homeowner has a 1 in 6 chance of being burglarized at some time in there life. But how do they burglars break into homes? What are the easy top ways into your home?
7% Other
Unlocked door entrances and garage entrances areas make up the 7 %. Don't forget to lock all of your windows and doors, even if you are only expecting to be out for a few minutes as intruders are counting on your mistakes to help them do a good job.
21% Back Door
Back doors are kicked open less often than front doors. This is probably because the intruder feels more scared lurking where he is not suppose to be. The Back door attracts more attention than the front
13% Garage
Believe it or not , some burglars will use your own ladders and tools you leave around to break into your home. Don't forget to add alarm protection for your garage, in the event you have an home alarm installed.
40% Front Door
Many people are very surprised at this statistic when they read the results in the Monthly Post, but yes, the majority of home break ins are usually committed by kicking in or forcing open the front door, and usually between 12 PM to 2 PM.
7% Basement
This statistic is surprisingly low, probably because there are many areas in which homes have already purchased window bars from Pre-Lock Security. So don't neglect adding security protection for your basement as most older home basement windows don't even lock properly.
20% First Floor Windows
First floor windows are unfortunately number the second choice on the entry list, and the shocking part is, many burglars gain access through unlocked windows as most home owners seem to think you don't need to lock them after getting some fresh air.
As break in statistics are truly very predictable we truly recommend physical security solutions to plug up the holes before your home is challanged by a experienced burglar.
Call us today and speak with a physical security consultant that will visit your home at no cost or obligation and perform a security risk assessment and determine the most effective security upgrades you can do to avoid being another statistic.
Call 1(877) PRE-LOCK (773-5625) " Remember Our name is our Number "