Locksmith Products » Fire and Burglar Safes » Uscan Safes

Pre-Lock Security is an authorized Uscan Safe Dealer in Toronto. We carry the full line of Uscan products which offers great value for you money. The FB Series safes provide formidable protection from both Fire and Burglary risks. FB series safes are also factory tested to provide you a fire protection rating of ninety minutes which will keep your valuables safe and sound in the off chance you have a unfortunate fire to deal with.
The Burglary protection on the Uscan safe line starts with a massive 2” thick composite door and body, with multiple 1-1/2” locking bolts. Uscan is once again leading the industry by including a high security tempered glass plate relocking device as a standard feature that cost extra on most safes. The relocking device is designed to instantly “relock” the safe, in the unlikely event that a burglar is able to compromise the safe lock in an attempt to gain access to your personal property located in your safe.
FB Series safes come standard with a spy-proof UL listed Group II LAGARD mechanical combination lock to make it easy to open and access your jewels without having to spin left and right and around and around only to have to try that again and annoy you. There are numerous electronic lock upgrades available with features that can included multiple user codes, full audit trails with events and of course time delayed openings that may be required for additional security.
Uscan FB Series safes come equipped with removable wheels, to assist in moving the safe into its final position. As with all Uscan safes, anchoring hardware is included, and we strongly recommend any safe weighing less than 750 lbs be anchored to the floor, to prevent removal.
Uscan FB Series safes offer best in class protection for home or office needs at an affordable price that you will be very pleased with. Uscan safes are powder coated with adjustable shelves and spring loaded tempered glass re-locker for high level security.
Uscan Burglary B-Rated Safes provide economical burglary protection for commercial storage or home use. Uscan B-Rated safes are all manufactured with 1/4 plate steel bodies and 1/2 plate steel doors ensuring your valuables will remain safe and secure.
All Uscan B-Rated Safes come standard with a spy-proof UL listed Group II LAGARD mechanical combination lock which are usually an upgrade with most other safe products. Numerous electronic lock upgrades are available with features including multiple user codes, event based audit trails and time delayed opening.
Call us today and speak with a safe expert that can assist you in choosing the safe right for you.
Tel: 416 736-8383