Police Alarm Policy

Police Policy Guides:
Many cities and regions across Canada have implemented False Alarm Policies and Registration Programs. Unfortunately the policies are different in each region. Following is an alphabetical list of regions that have policies and/or programs. If you require more information, please call your local police department or your alarm servicing dealer. Pre-Lock Security Customers can contact us at (416) 773-5625.
Barrie Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm By-Law: Customer receives one (1) free false police dispatch within a 365 day period. After the second (2) dispatch, the customer is suspended. The customer may pay a $100.00 fine to be reinstated. On the third (3) false dispatch the customer must pay a $200.00 fine, the fourth (4) false dispatch is a $300.00 fine. After five (5) false dispatches in 365 days the customer will be suspended. The Barrie police invoice the customer directly. (Police Services Board By-Law 89-1)
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 725-7025 Ext. 155, Fax: (705) 728-2971.
Chatham Region
Registration: Customer must be registered with the Chatham Regional Police. There is no charge for registration.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed three (3) false dispatches in any 30 day period. Following the third false dispatch they will be sent a caution notice. If they receive three (3) additional false dispatches within six (6) months, the customer will be suspended for six (6) months. The customer can pay $300.00 to the Chatham Police for reinstatement of services. The police will deduct $50.00 per subsequent false dispatch. Customer may also be fined from $50.00 - $200.00 if their siren runs longer than 15 minutes, an auto-dialer is used to call the police or if the customer cannot attend the alarm within 30 minutes to meet the police.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 436-6600.
Cornwall Region
Registration: Customer must be registered with the Cornwall Police Service. There is a "one-time" registration fee: Residential = $20.00, Small Commercial (under 2000 sq.ft.) = $20.00, Large Commercial (over 2000 sq.ft.) = $50.00.
False Alarm Policy: Registered residential and commercial customers will be allowed 1 free false alarm per calendar year. A second F/A (per calendar year) results in a $25.00 fine for residential customers and small commercial premises, and a $50.00 fine for large commercial premises. A third F/A (per calendar year) results in a $50.00 fine for residential and small commercial premises, and a $100.00 fine for large commercial premises A fourth and subsequent F/A (per calendar year) results in suspension of Police service for the remainder of that calendar year. If the fines are not paid the registration is revoked and police will not respond. A $150.00 reinstatement fee may be paid in lieu of the suspension and sent along with a letter stating that the system has been upgraded or repaired. This will allow the customer 1 more F/A for that calendar year before being suspended again.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (613) 933-5000 ext. 467, Fax: (613) 932-9317.
Durham Region
Registration: Customer must be registered with the Durham Regional Police. Customers who are not registered will be fined $150.00 and suspended from police service.
Police Registration Fees: Residential $50.00, commercial $100.00 (GST extra).
Registration Fees: Residential $55.00, Commercial $105.00 (GST extra)(administration charge included).
False Alarm Policy: Each customer is entitled to two (2) free false dispatches. On the third (3) false dispatch, the customer will be suspended for one year. The customer can be reinstated by paying a $150.00 fine for each additional false dispatch.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (888) 579-1520 ext. 6486, Fax: (905) 721-4224.
Essex County
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: All incidents must be verified before dispatching the police. If the Monitoring Station cannot contact the alarm owner, the names of alarm owner must be given to the police.
Guelph, The City of (POLICE)
Registration: Customer must be registered with the Guelph Police Service. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: Residential & Commercial $50.00. Registration is annual and runs from January 1st. There is a pro-rated price after June 30th of $5.00 a month to the end of the calendar year.
False Alarm Policy: Each account is entitled to three (3) false dispatches in a calendar year. After three (3) dispatches the customer will be suspended for the remainder of that year. The customer may pay a $100.00 fee to be reinstated.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 824-1212 ext. 258, Fax: (519) 822-0949.
Guelph, The City of (FIRE)
Registration: Industrial & retail establishments must be registered with the Guelph Fire Department. This is a one-time registration fee. It is not annual.
Registration Fees: Industrial & Retail Establishments. This is a one-time registration fee of $60.00.
False Alarm Policy: Registered customers are entitled to two (2) free false dispatches within a 365 day period. The third false dispatch will result in a $300.00 fine.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 824-3232 Fax (519) 824-2147.
Haldimand-Norfolk Region
Registration: The registration charge is $15.00 for Residential or Commercial premises. ( By-law #1-97)
False Alarm Policy: The police will respond to two (2) false alarms within a 365 day period without any fees for service. The third and fourth false alarms within a 365 day period will result in a service fee of $50.00 for registered premises and $75.00 for unregistered premises. After the fourth false alarm, police response may be suspended for one year.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 587-3900 ex. 6111, Fax: (519) 426-5023.
Halton Region
Registration: Customer has the option of registering with the Halton Regional Police Service. Police Registration Fees: Res. $24.00, Comm. $48.00 (GST extra). This is an annual registration fee. False Alarm Policy: Registered Customers receive the first (1) false dispatch free. The second (2) dispatch = $30.00 residential, $60.00 commercial, third (3) dispatch = $30.00 residential, $60.00 commercial. If a customer is not registered or the customer is suspended and the police are dispatched to a false alarm they will be charged a fine of $50.00 residential or $100.00 commercial for every false alarm. All fines are sent to Alarm Company. Alarm Company will send a bill to the customer. Customer is allowed four (4) false dispatches in a 365 day period. Customer is cautioned after two (2) false dispatches. Halton Police reserve the right to add all unpaid fines to the customers property tax bill.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 825-4747 ext. 5149, Fax: (905) 825-5899.
Registration: Customer has the option of registering with the Hamilton-Wentworth Police. Police Registration Fees: Residential $26.00, Commercial $50.00 (GST extra).
False Alarm Policy: Registered Customers - receive the first (1) false dispatch free. The second (2) dispatch = $24.00 residential, $48.00 commercial, third (3) dispatch = $36.00 residential, $72.00 commercial. Non-Registered Customers - must pay a fine of $50.00 residential or $100.00 commercial for every false alarm. All fines are sent to Alarm Company. Alarm Company will send a bill to the customer. If the customer receives four (4) false dispatches in 365 days the customer is suspended. The alarm company can appeal the suspension within 14 days. If appeal is accepted, the customer will be allowed one (1) more false dispatch in 365 days.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 546-4718, Fax: (905) 546-3892.
Kingston Region
(no policy until the city and township agree on a policy)
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed four (4) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fifth (5) false dispatch the customer is suspended. The customer can appeal the suspension.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (613) 549-4660 ext. 2263, Fax: (613) 549-3111.
London Region
Registration: Customer must be registered with the City of London by the dealer. There is no fee for registration.
False Alarm Policy: Customer is cautioned after the first false dispatch. On the second false dispatch the customer will be suspended for one year. Customer may be reinstated if they pay a $200.00 fine. Police may not respond to the dispatch if they are too busy and cannot make it to the premises within 30 minutes. NOTE: All keyholders must be called before a dispatch will be accepted.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 661-5849, Fax: (519) 661-2450.
Metropolitan Toronto
(Toronto, Scarborough, Etobicoke, East York, North York)
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm By-Law: There is a $100.00 (GST extra) fine for false dispatches that is billed to your alarm monitoring company. Customer receives a caution notice after the second (2) false dispatch and is suspended after the fourth (4) dispatch within a 365 day period.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (416) 808-7714, Fax: (416) 808-7702.
Midland Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm By-Law: The customer is allowed two (2) free false dispatches. Any additional false dispatches will incur a fine of $100.00. If the customer does not pay the fine, police response will be suspended. (Police Service Board By-Law 6)
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 527-6633, Fax (705) 528-6035.
Registration: This bylaw pertains to customers in the municipality of Muskoka that are dispatched through Central Region O.P.P. There is no fee for registration.
False Alarm By-law: All customers have 1 free false alarm per response year (alarm response year means the 12-month period preceding and ending on the date the first false alarm is given). If the customer has any more false alarms within that response year, they will be billed $200.00 per alarm. After the first false alarm in an alarm response year, a warning notice will be sent to the customer. After the second false alarm in an alarm response year, a notice of suspension will be sent to the customer.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 789-5551. Fax: (705) 789-7666
Napanee Detachment
Registration: Customers in Kaladar, Napanee or Amherstview must be registered. There is no charge for registration in these areas.
False Alarm By-Law: The police will respond to two (2) false alarms at a location within a 12 month period. A false alarm notice will be sent to the customer. If corrective action is not taken and the customer receives two more false alarms, police response will be suspended for six (6) months. The local alarm coordinator will re-instate a system if corrective action is taken.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (613) 354-3369
Niagara Region
Registration: No fee for registration.
False Alarm By-Law: Fixed charge per false alarm attendance is $50.00 (Effective 1st, 2010)
Fees and charges that remain outstanding for ninety (90) days after the statement date
of an invoice shall be referred to a collection agency. Unpaid fees and charges that are
referred to a collection agency will be subject to interest at the rate of 2% per month.
Customer is billed directly by the Niagara Regional Police.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 688-4111 ext. 5153, Fax: (905) 688-4836
North Bay Region
Registration: The customer must be registered with the North Bay Police Force by the dealer. Registration Fee: The customer must pay $100.00 for registration.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to four (4) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fifth (5) false alarm the customer is suspended. The customer can appeal the suspension or pay a $50.00 fine to be reinstated.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 497-5565, Fax: (705) 497-5591.
Orangeville Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to four (4) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fifth (5) false dispatch the customer is suspended. The customer can appeal the suspension.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 941-2522, Fax: (519) 941-1279.
Ottawa-Carlton Region
Registration: The customer must be registered with the Ottawa-Carlton Regional Police by the dealer. Residential $26, small commercial under 2000 sq. ft. $26, large commercial $52.
False Alarm Policy: There is no limit to the amount of false alarms a customer can have. All false alarms will be charged a fee of $60.00 for residential or commercial premises. All false alarms for non-registered premises will be charged the $60.00 fine plus the appropriate registration fee.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (613) 236-1222 ext. 5593, Fax: (613) 236-1947.
Owen Sound Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm By-Law: The customer is entitled to one (1) free false dispatch per month. On the second (2) dispatch in one month the customer is fined $25.00, third (3) = $100.00. Police will charge customer directly. (Police Service Board By-Law 94-1)
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 376-1234, Fax: (519) 376-6131.
Peel Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to four (4) false dispatches in 365 days. The customer will receive a caution notice after two (2) false dispatches. Customer can appeal after 30 days.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 453-3311 ext. 4594, Fax: (905) 453-7789.
Pembroke Region
Registration: The customer must be registered with the Penbroke Police Service by the dealer. A fee is required for registration. Police will not respond to an alarm unless the customer is registered.
Registration Fee: Residential $50.00 and commercial $100.00. The registration period is from June 1 - May 31.
False Alarm By-Law: The customer is entitled to two (2) free false dispatches. On the third (3) and subsequent false dispatches customer must pay a $100.00 fine. (Police Services Board By-Law 96-02)
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (613) 732-9975, Fax: (613) 732-2321.
Peterborough Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed two false alarms for a 365 day period from date of 1st dispatch. On 3rd and subsequent false alarms customer is fined $100.00. If the fee is not paid police service will be suspended and will not be re-instated until the fee has been paid. The customer is billed directly by the police.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 876-1122.
Port Hope Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to two (2) free false dispatches in a calendar year. On the third (3) false dispatch the customer is suspended. Customer may pay $100.00 fine to be reinstated.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 885-8123, Fax: (905) 885-5787.
Pre-Lock Security Services Inc. Private Guard Response
(Metro & Surrounding Area - East to Highway 57 & 15, North to Highway 9 and 32, West to the Highway #559 {Hamilton/Burlington line}, South to Lake Ontario.) and to the areas of Toronto, Durham, York, Peel & Halton. We do not have response in Hamilton.
Guard Fees: Within Metro - Residential - $5.00 a month, commercial - $10.00 a month. Outside Metro (Durham, York, Halton, Peel) Residential - $5.00 a month, commercial - $10.00 a month. If the customer wants to pay per dispatch the fee will be $65.00. These fees include perimeter search only.
False Alarm Policy: All customers registered for guard service with Pre-Lock will be permitted a maximum of 4 false dispatches per calendar year. Upon the 4th false dispatch, the customer will be charged on a per dispatch basis of $65.00 per dispatch and a one time $20.00 set-up fee. If the customer does not pay the per dispatch fee, the customer will then be suspended from guard service. Note: Customers must be monitored by Pre-Lock Security Services to subscribe to our private guard response services.
Contact: Sales at (416) 773-5625 or email us at sales@pre-lock.com
St. Thomas Region
Registration: Customer must be registered with the City of St. Thomas Police by the dealer. There is no fee for registration. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to two (2) free false dispatches in a 365-day period. On the third (3) false dispatch the customer will be suspended. The customer can pay a $200.00 fine to be reinstated.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 631-1330, Fax: (519) 633-9028.
Sarnia Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is entitled to four (4) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fifth (5) false dispatch the customer must pay $300.00 to the Sarnia Police. For each subsequent alarm the police will deduct $100.00 from the account.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 344-8861 ext. 253; Fax: (519) 344-3612.
Sault Ste. Marie Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer will be fined $10.00 for each false dispatch. After three (3) false dispatches in any three (3) month period the customer will receive a caution notice. After three additional false dispatches the customer will be suspended.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 759-7324, Fax: (705) 949-3082.
Sudbury Region
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed four (4) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fifth (5) false dispatch the customer will be suspended. The customer may appeal the suspension. Contact: Alarm Coordinator (705) 675-9171.
Waterloo Region
Registration: The dealer must register the customer with the Waterloo Regional Police. Police will not respond to an alarm unless the customer is registered.
False Alarm Policy: There will be no charge levied for the first false alarm in the calendar year. On the second false alarm, the alarm business will be charged $50.00, payable to the Waterloo Regional Police within 30 days of invoice. For each subsequent false alarm in the same calendar year, the fee will increase by $25.00. If payment is not received within 60 days, police service may be discontinued.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator at (519) 653-7700 ext. 870, Fax: (519) 650-1793.
Windsor Region
Registration: The customer must be registered with the Windsor Regional Police by the dealer. A fee is required for registration. Police will not respond to an alarm unless the customer is registered.
Registration Fees: Registration is $24.00 per year (plus GST). The fee must be prorated to a common registration date of February 1.
False Alarm By-Law: The customer is allowed three (3) free false dispatches in a registration period. On the fourth (4) and subsequent false dispatch the customer will be suspended. The customer can pay a $107.00 fine to be reinstated. There is also a $107.00 fine for dispatches on all accounts that are not registered. The customer has 15 days to pay the fine. The customer must then pay $150.00 to get their account reinstated. Each account must have three (3) people on the call list and someone must be able to meet the police within 30 minutes.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (519) 255-6787, Fax: (519) 255-6569.
York Region
Registration: The customer may chose to register with the York Police. The customer has 2 options for registering. Option 1: Customers who make a registration payment receive a higher priority response, which includes 2 free dispatches. Option 2: The customer may register without making a registration payment. They will receive regular dispatch response and only 1 free dispatch. Counterforce must be notified which option the customer has chosen.
Initial Registration Fees: Residential $50, commercial $125.00 (administrative charge & GST included).
False Alarm By-Law: Option 1: The customer is allowed two (2) free false dispatches. On the third (3) false dispatch the customer is suspended. Payment of $150.00 to the York Police will reduce the count to two false dispatches Option 2: The customer is allowed one (1) free false dispatch. On the second (2) false dispatch the customer is suspended. Payment of $150.00 to the York Police will reduce the count to one false dispatch.
Both Options: Payment of $250.00 will reduce false alarm count to zero.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (905) 773-1222 ext. 7904, Fax: (905) 895-1818.
Ottawa R.C.M.P.
Registration: There is no registration program. Only to be used for Diplomats and Ambassadors.
Contact: Protective Operations “A” Division Project Unit -
Alarm Coordinator (613) 993-4907.
British Columbia
Kelowna RCMP Department
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The police will not attend to residential and commercial alarms unless the operator verifies the signal and a keyholder will attend. The police will not respond to business alarms during normal working hours or during power outages.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (604) 762-3300; Fax: (604) 762-3751.
Surrey RCMP Department
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: At the present time, the RCMP are testing a procedure where they don't respond to commercial alarms between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., 7 days a week, unless the alarm is confirmed. This began February 1, 1997.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator
Vancouver Police Department
Registration: The dealer must register Customer with the Vancouver Police Department. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: The registration fee for residential customers is $15.00, commercial premises smaller than 140 sq. meters is $25.00 and commercial premises over 140 sq. meters is $50.00 per year.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed three (3) free false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the fourth (4) false dispatch the customer is suspended. The customer has 14 days to respond. If a residential customer wants to be reinstated, they must pay a fine of $75.00, if they are suspended a second time they must pay a fine of $150.00. If a commercial customer (premises smaller than 140 sq. meters) wants to reinstate police response they must pay a fine of $125.00, if they are suspended a second time they must pay a fine of $250.00. If a commercial customer (premises larger than 140 sq. meters) wants to be reinstated, they must pay a fine of $250.00, if they are suspended a second time they must pay a fine of $500.00.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (604) 871-6151; Fax: (604) 871-6152.
Victoria Police Department
Registration: The dealer must register Customer with the Victoria Police Department. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: The registration fee is $15.00 per year.
False Alarm Policy: Each customer receives 4 false dispatches in a 365-day period. On the 5th false dispatch the permit is cancelled and the customer must pay $500.00 to reinstate police response. This money is returned if the customer has less than 3 false dispatches in the next 12-month period.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (604) 384-4111; Fax: (604) 383-1581.
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba
Calgary Police Department
Registration: The dealer must register Customer with the Calgary Police Department. There is no fee for registration. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
False Alarm Policy: Customer must meet the Police within 30 minutes after police dispatch. Each customer receives three (3) false dispatches in a 12-month period, on the 4th dispatch they are suspended for 30 days. If the customer has three (3) more false dispatches they are suspended for 90 days. An additional three (3) false dispatches result in a 120 day suspension, and three (3) more false dispatches results in the customer being suspended 6 months. After this the customer may be fined $10,000.00. Alarm Company will be fined a $75.00 penalty for every false dispatch. This in turn will be charged back to the customer along with a $5.00 administration charge. The Calgary Police do not respond to alarms from Commercial Premises between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., 7 days a week, unless the alarm is confirmed. Alarm Company cannot dispatch to a new customer’s alarm until 14 days after the installation date unless a key holder has attended the premises and verified the alarm to be valid.
Program: If the customer does not want to pay the $80.00 (+ GST) fine, they may choose to pay a flat rate for police response. The fees are $3.00 (+GST) a month for residential premises and $8.50 (+ GST) a month for commercial premises. These fees are billed to the customer on their monitoring invoice.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (403) 268-4559
Edmonton Police Department
Registration: The dealer must register the Customer with the Edmonton Police Department. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: The registration fee is $15.00 a year.
False Alarm Policy: For each false dispatch, the following fines are applicable: residential customers $75.00, commercial customers with premises under 500 sq. feet $100.00 and commercial premises over 500 sq. ft. $150.00. Each time a customer amends the registration form, a $10.00 charge will apply. Each customer receives three (3) false dispatches in a 365 day period, then is suspended for three (3) months. Each dispatch must be verified and customer must be able to meet the police in 30 minutes.
Winnipeg Police Department
Registration: The dealer must register the Customer with the Winnipeg Police Department. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: There is no fee for registration.
False Alarm Policy: Each customer receives three (3) false dispatches in a six (6) month period. On the 3rd false dispatch the customer may be suspended for 6 months. There is no appeal process.
Regina Police Department
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: The customer is allowed four (4) false dispatches in a 365 day period. On the third false dispatch the customer is issued a caution notice and a site code. The fourth false dispatch will result in a 12 month suspension. The customer can be reinstated after 30 days if the system is repaired.
Contact: Alarm Coordinator (306) 569-3333; Fax: (306) 757-5461.
Saskatoon Police Department
Registration: The dealer is responsible for registering the Customer with the Saskatoon Police Department. The dealer must indicate the ASIN number on the Monitoring Agreement in the "Police ID" box. Customers who do not have an ASIN will be charged $50.00 for police response.
Registration Fees: The registration fee is $15.00 a year.
False Alarm Policy: The registered customer is entitled to two (2) free false alarms in a 365-day period. On the third request for police response, the police will ask ALARM COMPANY to call a 1-900 number for police service. Use of the 1-900 number will result in a $50.00 charge on the Counterforce phone bill. This in turn will be charged to the customer with an additional $5.00 administration charge. After 365 days, the customer may request re-admittance to the program providing the alarm system is proven to be operating properly by the alarm business; and users have been educated on S.P.S. policy and alarm equipment.
Contact: The Saskatoon City Police Service.
Halifax Regional Municipality Police
- ( Halifax, Bedford )
Registration: The dealer must register the customer. The dealer must indicate the registration number on the ALARM Monitoring Agreement in the "Police ID" box. Customers who are not registered will not receive police response.
Registration Fees: The registration fee for Bedford customers is $20.00 and runs from April 30th for a period of 1 year.
False Alarm Policy: Each customer receives one (1) free false dispatch in a 60 day period. The customer must be able to meet the police in 30 minutes. On the 2nd and subsequent false dispatch the customer must pay $50.00.
Fredericton Police Department
Registration: No registration program for police response.
False Alarm Policy: Each customer receives six (6) free false dispatches in a period from May 1st each year. On the 7th and subsequent false dispatch the customer must pay $50.00. This policy is currently under review.
Moncton Police Department
Unknown at the time of printing.
Tips to keep in mind
If you are not sure of the procedure for registering customers, please refer to Monitoring, Section 4, Completion of Customer Contract Forms.
For police areas that require payment for registration (Halton, Hamilton, Durham, York) the customer is NOT considered registered until the payment is received by the police.
For police areas that require payment for registration (Halton, Hamilton, Durham, York) the customer CAN NOT be registered if they are suspended.
When a customer is suspended, it is their responsibility to make alternate arrangements.
For police areas that require payment for registration (Halton, Hamilton, Durham, York) the dealer or customer must submit payment in the form of a cheque to ALARM COMPANY for registration. We cannot charge the Dealer Statement because the accounting system won't pick up the renewal date.
For additional information regarding any of the above please contact the respective police force or Pre-Lock Security at (416) 773-5625.
We can also be reached at email sales@pre-lock.com