No patio door should be without a sliding door pin. Simple product for a complicated solution that will keep most sliding doors in it's track.
The installation of the sliding door pin will keep your door from being lifted and where it needs to be to protect your home and family.
Sliding glass patio doors may be very attractive to look at and provide a great view of your backyard or lake if you happen to be in cottage country, but their weaknesses also make them very attractive to burglars which means every home is very vulnerable unless you take some easy steps to prevent a easy entry. Sliding doors have a very bad reputation for failing to keep out an intruder but truth be told it is very easy to provide your home and family with a good level of security if you install a simple door pin that you can usually do on your own.
Few sliding glass doors have real locks on them that provide the same level protection of a standard dead bolt on most of your exterior doors. Most sliding doors have cheap aluminum latches that can become worn or fall out of adjustment with little protection from someone opening your sliding door when ever they choose. Let's face the facts it's easier for the intruder to simply pry the door open at the latch or lift the door off the track than it is to break the window which makes a lot of noise and is truly dangerous.
To make the security risk worse, sliding glass doors are usually in the back of the property, out of view of neighbors and street traffic, which means the burglar has plenty of privacy to gain access to your home. Warm weather makes it even easier for burglars because so many people leave their sliding glass door open for air circulation or so that pets can go in out.

- Easy Installation
- Sliding Door Pin Lock
- Hardened Steel Pin
- Holds Door In Stationary Position
- Fabricated From Steel
- Chrome Finish
Call us today at (416) 773-5625